Expose Students to the Wonder of Walter Anderson
September 7 – November 23, 2024
Experience the restless creativity of Walter Inglis Anderson (1903-1965). Forty artworks, from jewel-toned watercolors to glowing ceramics, trace the life of a man who traveled the world by boat and bicycle. Anderson made nature-inspired art because he loved it, not caring whether anyone ever saw his creations.
Plan Your Field Trip
- Limited capacity is available
- $5 per student and chaperone
- You can bring bag lunches or request boxed lunches for an additional charge. The inside lobby accommodates 30 students, and an outside courtyard is available for larger groups.
- Travel reimbursement is available from the Yates Construction School Transportation Fund for schools outside Meridian city limits.
Educational Resources
Walter Anderson Museum of Art
Mississippi Dept of Archives and History
Mississippi, Believe It!™
Curriculum Connections
Social Studies
- 4th Grade, Mississippi Studies and Regions: 4.MS.9 Explain how literature, the arts, architecture, and music distinguish Mississippi from other places.
- 8th Grade, Mississippi Studies: MS.11 Examine the impact of Mississippi artists, musicians, and writers on the state, nation, and world.
- History standards, all grades
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening standards, all grades
Science Standards
Anderson found inspiration in the flora and fauna around him and incorporated many of them into his artwork.
- Life Science, Earth Science standards, all grades
- Biology standards
- Marine and Aquatic Science standards
- Zoology standards
Arts Learning Standards for Visual Arts, all grades
Arts Learning Standards for Media Arts, all grades
For more information, contact:
Stanley Wright
601.581.1550, ext. 14