Expose Students to the Wonder of Walter Anderson

September 7 – November 23, 2024

Experience the restless creativity of Walter Inglis Anderson (1903-1965). Forty artworks, from jewel-toned watercolors to glowing ceramics, trace the life of a man who traveled the world by boat and bicycle. Anderson made nature-inspired art because he loved it, not caring whether anyone ever saw his creations.

Plan Your Field Trip

  • Limited capacity is available
  • $5 per student and chaperone
  • You can bring bag lunches or request boxed lunches for an additional charge. The inside lobby accommodates 30 students, and an outside courtyard is available for larger groups.
  • Travel reimbursement is available from the Yates Construction School Transportation Fund for schools outside Meridian city limits.

Educational Resources

Curriculum Connections

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